Monday, June 1, 2009

Thinkers Reading: June 1, 2009

Obama wants you to think that the government won't interfere with the "private management" of the new GM. This article explains why that is completely untrue.

This writer makes an excellent point when he says the press needs to hold Obama in check, something they are not currently doing.

This writer tries to blame Ronald Reagan for causing today's economic woes. The truth is that the market regulated itself and kept requiring down payments until the government stepped in again and forced banks to make bad loans.

Cap-and-trade legislation to combat the yes-t0-be-proven phenomenon of man made global warming won't work, and will tax every U.S. family about $1,600 per year.

Here is a firsthand account of why the government should not own and run car companies (or any company).

I'm sure the military could cut some costs, but this guy is off his rocker thinking that we could cut defense spending in half.