Friday, May 29, 2009

Thinkers Reading: May 29, 2009

Phenomenal explanation of why empathy should not be a criteria for selecting judges.

Evidence is mounting that the Obama Administration is closing Chrysler dealerships owned by individuals who contribute to the Republican party.

More taxes, more taxes, more taxes, including removing the tax exemption for your health insurance..... Some more additional taxes you could see from the Obama Administration.

Great read on Obama's "rules" for Sotomayor's confirmation hearings.

This opinion piece contains some very good points about Sotomayor and the liberal view on judges. He also references the oath that judges take, and I have to shamelessly say that I was one step ahead of him yesterday.

The Fed is printing trillions of dollars and this guy doesn't think we're headed for inflation...... seriously?

Explanation of how GM's bondholders (everyday people like you and me) are getting screwed.

If our judicial system ran according to this author's philosophy then we might as well not have laws. It's just whatever the judge "feels."

More good points against "empathy."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thinkers Reading: May 28, 2009

Great article about fixing compensation plans for traders, hedge fund managers, CEOs and other financial professionals.

Very insightful liberal back-and-forth from two NY Times writers - the first guy is dead on and takes a genuine look at the candidate, an approach we should all take. The second appears to be a die hard liberal with whom I completely disagree.

Fantastic dialogue going on between WSJ readers in the comments section..... let's make Real Honest Thinking look like this!

This guy is absolutely correct when he says "liberals and conservatives often form judgments through flash intuitions that aren’t a result of a deliberative process." Get over the initial emotion and let's have some serious dialogue.

Check out the questionnaire that Sonia Sotomayor is required to fill out for the Senate. Imagine having to submit four copies of pretty much everything you've ever written or said.

A very balanced view on how Sotomayor's confirmation will be good for both the Republicans and Democrats.

Great article giving some political insights into Sotomayor's confirmation.

Do you want the government setting pay-scales in private businesses, even if if would cause the business to shut down (think GM and Chrysler)? That's what the Employee Free Choice Act would allow.

Pretty funny video that sums up Obama's policies:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thinkers Reading: May 27, 2009

Must read! WSJ poses some questions that need to be asked of the new Supreme Court nominee.

The New York Times supports Sotomayor's nomination.

Letter from a GM bondholder (an average guy like you and me) whose retirement may be severely handicapped by the government's special treatment of the UAW.

Sotomayor is definitely The 'Empathy' Nominee, going right along with Obama's views that the courts shouldn't rule based on law, but "empathy."

Interesting commentary on Sotomayor's nomination (you'll need a login - free to sign up though)

Think that modifying mortgages helped solve the economic crisis and keep people in their homes? Think again! "65% and 75% of modified subprime loans will fall delinquent by 60 days or more within 12 months of having been modified to keep the borrowers in their homes."

Do you want a 60% tax increase for EVERYONE or 10% inflation per year for the next ten years? According to the Financial Times this is what it's going to take to service our national debt - thank you to George W. Bush, Congress and President Obama for putting us in that situation.

Who says raising taxes on the rich doesn't cause them to go elsewhere? Maryland tried it, and they lost 1/3 of their millionaires.